[PacketFence-devel] PacketFence v6 - What's Coming!
Ludovic Marcotte
2015-12-18 20:00:38 UTC
Hello everybody,

The 2015 year has been a great one for PacketFence. We've seen the v5
release which brought Fingerbank and WMI integration, multimaster and
PKI support, a brand new dashboard and much more. PacketFence did set
the bar high for the competition.

We prepare to do this once again with the upcoming v6 release of
PacketFence. So far, here is what we plan to include in it:

1. *Performance Improvements* - a never-ending task! We want to keep
making PacketFence slimmer and faster. We've seen, in some of our
deployments in 2015, PacketFence handling more than 1,500
authentications per second - that's a lot but we can do more and we
will have to handle more as the number of endpoints per user will
keep increasing;
2. *Flexible Captive Portal* - highly personalized captive portal
should be created in a couple of mouse-clicks, and PacketFence will
allow you to do that. We will provide new templates and CSS files to
ease that process, while improving the appearance of the current
default portal and making it responsive for all endpoints;
3. *Administration Interface Improvements* - You might recall that in
PacketFence v4, we came up with a brand new Web admin interface for
PacketFence - based on the Catalyst and Bootstrap frameworks. We'll
proceed with a nice revamp of the Web interface by upgrading
Bootstrap, restructuring the JavaScript code, introducing
configuration wizards and simplifying the current administration
modules we have;
4. *Logging**and Auditing *- a critical feature in any important
software solution. With the addition of the RADIUS auditing log for
PacketFence v5.6, a fair amount of work has already been
accomplished but more is to come for v6 for complete traceability of
events occurring on a network and easing the process to get that
information quickly;
5. *Better Reports* - PacketFence already comes with some reports but
there is a need to expose a lot more information that PacketFence
has on the network, its endpoints and users through nice reports. We
plan to add many more for v6 - we have listened to you;
6. *Flexible API* - the current version of PacketFence already include
many APIs but we plan to add more to ease the integration process
with MDM, IDS and firewall solutions. It will also allow people to
integrate their homemade solutions with PacketFence without relying
on fragile database accesses.

Work has already started and it'll keep us pretty busy!

Finally, the Inverse team would like to wish you all Happy Holidays -
let the 2016 year be a great one for PacketFence once again!

Best regards,
Ludovic Marcotte
***@inverse.ca :: +1.514.755.3630 :: http://inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence (http://packetfence.org)