[PacketFence-devel] Wake-on-LAN feature
Upchurch, Bart S.
2015-04-29 22:49:50 UTC
Hello everybody,
I do not know if anybody has asked for this, but I have modified packetfence to be able to send Wake-on-LAN packets from the Node-> Action menu. I also have a little bash script that can be scheduled with cron to autostart computers reading from the packetfence tables. I do not mind adding it to GitHub, just wanted to check with you guys to see if that would be a feature you are interested in. We are finding it helpful to autowake certain labs or wake up computers for updating. I am not a real developer, but I copied and modified the floating device code to be able to store broadcast addresses in a configuration file and edit it using the Configuration tab similar to floating devices. I then modified the action menu to be able to send the selected mac address to a particular broadcast address to the wakeonlan utility.

